239 articles found [51 - 60]
  • Country Article | 19 September 2022

    Tato zpráva předkládá výsledky případové studie o vzájemném obohacování mezi územním plánováním a prováděním politiky soudržnosti EU v České republice, vypracované v rámci projektu dialogu a případ

  • Country Article | 19 September 2022

    Brojni gradovi u Europi bilježe porast broja stanovnika, zbog čega sve više raste pritisak na uporabu gradskog zemljišta u gradovima i oko njih, što često dovodi do nekontroliranog širenja urbanih

  • Country Article | 19 September 2022

    Zelenu infrastrukturu čine međusobno povezana zelena i/ili plava područja koja se razvijaju kroz strateški planski pristup koji stvara rješenja za probleme očuvanja zemljišta, ekoloških i društveni

  • Country Article | 19 September 2022

    In den letzten zehn Jahren haben viele europäische Länder wichtige Schritte zur Einrichtung digitaler Planregister und Digitalisierung der Raumplanungsverfahren unternommen.

  • Country Article | 19 September 2022

    Au cours de la dernière décennie, de nombreux pays européens ont pris des mesures importantes pour mettre en place des registres de plans numériques et numériser les processus d’aménagement d

  • Latest News | 5 September 2022

    The ESPON EGTC had the opportunity today to meet (online) with the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation and Minister of Regional Development of the Czech Republic, Mr Ivan Bartoš. ESPON director Wiktor Szydarowski presented the role and the work of ESPON, focusing on the services provided to the Czech presidency of the EU. Minister Bartoš showed great interest in ESPON’s work and explained his views on regional development

  • Case Studies | 25 August 2022

    Looking for new activities and attractions to maintain vibrant town centres and develop appealing urban areas

  • Country Article | 25 August 2022

    Malta´s tourism industry has started to take steps towards the sustainable development of the sector.

  • Country Article | 25 August 2022

    The main objectives of this study is to examine how residents view and evaluate heritages sites in their local environment and immediate surroundings.

  • Country Article | 25 August 2022

    What are the economic impacts of wildfires in terms of direct and indirect costs?
