Open invitation to submit proposals for Targeted Analyses

We are pleased to announce the first cut-off date for the submission of proposals for Targeted Analyses for the ESPON Programme 2030: 24 February 2023

Policy makers may sometimes think that their territorial peculiarities prevent them from benefitting from the experience of others, facing similar challenges in different countries or different territorial and political contexts. Comparative studies to develop evidence-based policy recommendations may not be their first priority and the process may seem overly complicated.

The ESPON Targeted Analyses have changed this!

Since 2007, ESPON Targeted Analyses has been supporting territorial development processes at local, regional and national levels in Europe by bringing together policy makers who share the same kinds of challenges and who are looking for new territorial evidence and a European perspective. Applying sound methodologies and providing scientific expertise, ESPON Targeted Analyses deliver demand-driven and tailor-made analytical studies in support of territorial decision-making.

Whether you are a national, regional or local authority, represent a major city or local rural community, a Managing Authority or a territorial cooperation body, ESPON can select and fully finance the experts to carry out the analytical work to provide territorial evidence tailored to your needs.

Within one year, you will be offered the following support solutions:

  • Administrative and technical support to design Terms of Reference directly related to your questions and in accordance with the ESPON Cooperation Programme
  • Permanent technical support from ESPON’s expert team to ensure the progress of the activity and the quality of the deliverables
  • A dedicated budget, typically around EUR 250,000, to finance a high-level study led by carefully selected experts from all over Europe (through public procurement procedures)
  • Opportunities to learn with your peers and share evidence and experiences with other stakeholders
  • Participation at ESPON events, typically organised in cooperation with EU Presidencies, to network with an international community of policy makers and experts

How does it work?

Stakeholders develop their project proposal and submit it to the ESPON EGTC by filling in a digital application form (attached below). In their proposal, stakeholders outline the policy issues that they would like to have addressed by an ESPON Targeted Analysis. When doing that, stakeholders need to make sure that their proposal:

  • Takes into account their specific territorial context and the policy needs
  • Relates to one of the Thematic Action Plans (TAPs) of the ESPON Programme
  • Reflects a wider European perspective;

Selected stakeholder proposals are implemented in close cooperation between academic experts, carrying through the analysis, stakeholders and the ESPON EGTC. For a smooth implementation process, stakeholders need to consider the following in the development of their proposal:

  • The analysis needs to be feasible in terms of methodology, indicators and data provision;
  • Active stakeholder involvement throughout the entire implementation process is key to receiving meaningful and useful results.

Finally, concerning the follow-up of a Targeted Analysis, stakeholders also should demonstrate in their proposal:

  • The use of the analytical results in their policy-making processes;
  • The added value of their project idea for themselves as well as for stakeholders in other countries, regions or cities.

How to apply?

Proposals can be submitted by groups of stakeholders sharing a common analytical need as well as by individual stakeholders. It is also possible to include relevant umbrella organisations from European, national, regional or local level in the steering of a Targeted Analysis.

Stakeholder proposals must be submitted electronically with a digital application form (see attachments below). The application form includes information on how and to whom the stakeholder proposal needs to be sent and which documents need to be enclosed. A guidance document is also available below for download to support stakeholders in preparing their proposals.

Stakeholder proposals for ESPON Targeted Analyses can be submitted at any time. The ESPON EGTC evaluates twice per year all stakeholder proposals received by certain cut-off dates.

The next cut-off date for the submission of stakeholder proposals is on 24 February 2023.

How will stakeholder proposals be selected?

It is important that applicants carefully consider their project proposal in the context of the selection and eligibility criteria and complete the application form in full. The eligibility and selection criteria are outlined in the guidance document available below.

If a proposal is not selected, stakeholders can always improve their proposals and resubmit them for a future cut-off date if they wish so.

Are you looking for partners? 

You can share ideas for ESPON Targeted Analyses in the dedicated LinkedIn group "ESPON stakeholders" This group aims to facilitate the exchange amongst policy makers on their needs for territorial evidence that can streamline multiple policy processes in a joint effort.

Who to contact for further advice?

We are available to answer your questions in the process of developing stakeholder proposals. Please email any queries you may have to [email protected].


TA application form.docx

  • MS-Word Document | 89KB

Stakeholder_Cooperation_Agreement_ESPON 2030.doc

  • MS-Word Document | 159KB

Letter_commitment_ESPON 2030.docx

  • MS-Word Document | 23KB

TA SH guidance 11-11-22.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 1.36MB

TA FAQs 11-11-22.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 618KB

TAP Climate Neutral Territories.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 613KB

TAP Governance of new geographies.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 628KB

TAP Perspective for all people and places.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 910KB

TAP Places Resilient to Crises.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 613KB