Societal value of cultural heritage in Iceland

The main objectives of this study is to examine how residents view and evaluate heritages sites in their local environment and immediate surroundings. The Hofstaðir heritage site located in Skútustaðahreppur in North of Iceland was selected as a case study as well as the surrounding two municipalities.

What do residents consider important for the development and utilisation of the Hofstaðir heritage site from the perspective of local development?

How and to what extent do heritage sites and/or other archaeological sites in the region contribute to the well-being and identity formation of local communities?

How to make the best use of the Hofstaðir heritage site in order to reinforce its positive impact on local communitiesHow to make the best use of the Hofstaðir heritage site in order to reinforce its positive impact on local communities?

Interested? Please find the report below.


Societal value of cultural heritage in Iceland.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 978KB

Societal value of cultural heritage ICELANDIC.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 1.43MB