Financial Managers Seminar

The fourth ESPON Financial Managers Seminar on management and administration of projects took place on 18-19 October 2010 in Leiden, the Netherlands. The Seminar was organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Plannig and Environment (VROM).

Copy of DSC00565Target groups were the Financial Managers of the Lead and Project Partners of the approved ESPON 2013 Projects, the centralized and decentralized First Level Controllers concerned for the approved ESPON 2013 Projects.

Around 30 people from 12 countries and 23 Institutions attended the event, representing financial managers of Lead and Project Partners, as well as First Level Controllers of approved ESPON 2013 Projects.

Information about e.g. eligibility rules, contracting, reporting and monitoring procedures has been given, as well as information about administrative, legal and practical matters of relevance concerning project coordination and management.

 Copy of DSC00572The second day of the financial Manager Seminar was organized in parallel sessions for Project Financial Managers and for First Level Financial Controllers willing to acquire additional and more specific information about ESPON 2013 reporting procedures and requirements for the certification of expenditure. These parallel sessions aimed at discussing lively in practice the specific reporting and control procedures from both perspectives, Financial Managers and First Level Controllers, and experiences sharing.


Please find below the presentations given during the Seminar.

 Should you have questions please do not hesitate to contact the ESPON Coordination Unit at [email protected].

 This event is organized within the framework of the ESPON 2013 Communication Plan/Action Plan for 2010.
(Actions related to Targeted Activities and Actions/Events)



  • Acrobat Document | 104KB


  • Acrobat Document | 19KB

Practical information

  • Acrobat Document | 721KB

Speakers` CV

  • Acrobat Document | 291KB

Legal framework, eligibility period, reporting procedure, flow

  • Acrobat Document | 235KB

Activity Report, example

  • MS-Word Document | 206KB

Financial report, example

  • Excel Document | 1.60MB

Partner report period, example

  • Excel Document | 631KB

Financial progress report

  • Acrobat Document | 243KB

Second level control

  • Acrobat Document | 282KB

Publicity requirements

  • Acrobat Document | 299KB

Common errors

  • Acrobat Document | 215KB

FLC documents, example

  • Excel Document | 228KB

FLC, how to control

  • Acrobat Document | 340KB