268 articles found [253 - 264]
  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 27 January 2010

    Thinking towards the future is an essential precondition for investigating where policies are necessary and how they should be shaped. Development has its own momentum, but policies can make a difference.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 15 December 2009

    ESPON provides a number of publications bringing together the results from the various ESPON projects and providing synthesises on specific issues.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The ESPON Atlas provides a synoptic and comprehensive overview of findings from ESPON Projects of the 2006 Programme.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    “The accelerating globalisation and new emerging markets will have major impacts on Europe and its territory, cities and regions”, states the freshly in print Europe in the World Report of ESPON, the European Observation Network on Territorial Development and Cohesion.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The ESPON poster tries to attract people’s attentions with some carefully selected maps and words allowing a quick first understanding what ESPON is about.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    In the ESPON Briefing 2 a variety of current European trends are analysed in order to come to a better understanding a number of factors which need to be taken into account in relation to the Lisbon Strategy. The territorial diversity of factors like the global economy, regional imbalances, service sector specialisation, transportation, governance, demography and cultural innovation are presented so as to support a diversified assessment of the current situation.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    Until the Seminar in Nijmegen, every ESPON seminar was followed by a "guidance paper" elaborated by the coordinating projects: ESPON 3.1 and ESPON 3.2.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The ESPON Synthesis Report I is a tool for the ongoing debate of issues related to the structure, cohesion and development of the European territory. The purpose of the report is to communicate the progress made within ESPON after the first year of activities.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The purpose of this second ESPON Scientific Report is to document the progress made on building a scientific platform for applied European territorial research.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The ESPON Synthesis Report III is based on all 34 ESPON projects of the ESPON 2006 Programme. The purpose is to communicate the main findings of the ESPON 2006 Programme, and to nourish policy development for different territories in Europe through dialogue among policy makers, practitioners and researchers.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    Thinking towards the future is an essential precondition for investigating where policies are necessary and how they should be shaped. Development has its own momentum, but policies can make a difference. The future can create different conditions for the citizens in different parts of Europe, for economic development and competitiveness and for cohesion within the European territory, its regions and cities.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The ESPON Briefing 1 presents a selection of 10 European maps on different spatial development issues, proving a comprehensive picture of the new Europe.