900 articles found [701 - 710]
  • Latest News | 10 February 2012

    ESPON-INTERSTRAT Conference “Positioning urban Scotland in its European context – What can we learn about benchmarking?”, Edinburgh 30 March 2012.  

  • Latest News | 10 February 2012

    Report 'Reflections on ESPON results' The Ministry of Employment and Economy and the Ministry of Environment from Finland recently published a report which examines ESPON research projects and findings from a Finnish perspective.

  • Latest News | 2 February 2012

    2002–2012: Ten Years of ESPON Throughout 2012 ESPON will celebrate 10 years of operation. ESPON has over the years provided comparable pan-European evidence, analyses and scenarios on territorial dynamics and built up a knowledge and evidence base that help regions, cities and larger territories in deciding on their development.  

  • Latest News | 16 January 2012

    The Call for Tenders "ESPON Data Navigator 2012" is open. Deadline for accessing the documentation is 17/02/2012.

  • Press Releases | 13 December 2011

    Showcasing paths to regional economic growth and the use of European Territorial Evidence

  • Latest News | 22 November 2011

    ESPON released the publication “Territorial Dynamics in Europe: The Creative Workforce”. The publication focuses on territorial evidence, trends and dynamics of European regions related to the creative workforce.

  • Latest News | 17 November 2011

    ESPON releases the final report of EUROISLANDS - The Development of the Islands, European Islands and Cohesion Policy. The final report raises awareness of the specificities and diversity of this specific type of territories and takes into consideration the current policy debate related to the European Cohesion Policy.

  • Latest News | 15 November 2011

    The project overview shows the state of progress on 62 projects. The publication presents key facts, thematic scope, policy questions, results envisaged as well as information on timing, budget and transnational project groups. 

  • Latest News | 14 November 2011

    Three Calls for Tenders are open: Webservices and IT-Solutions, Data Navigator, Online Map Finder - Content Part. Deadline for accessing the documentation is 28/12/2011.

  • Latest News | 6 October 2011

    ESPON is financing 4 new applied research projects over the coming two to three years. The projects cover a variety of themes: from the EU 2020 Strategy to Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe to Territorial Potentials for a Greener Economy and Territorial Governance.
