900 articles found [681 - 690]
  • Press Releases | 20 April 2012

    The ESPON Programme has opened new Calls for Proposals.

  • Latest News | 19 April 2012

    ESPON launches the Call for Tenders “ESPON External Expertise Support". The maximum available budget is € 295.000,00. Deadline for requesting the documentation is 28 May 2012.

  • Latest News | 19 April 2012

    The Draft Final Report of ATTREG - Attractiveness of European Regions and Cities for Residents and Visitors - is online with maps and case studies.

  • Latest News | 18 April 2012

    Calls for Proposals for Targeted Analysis, Scientific Platform/Tools Projects and Transnational Networking Activities are now open. The available budget amounts to 1.988.000,00 €. The deadline for submitting proposals is 13 June 2012. Apply here to become involved in new ESPON projects.

  • Latest News | 16 April 2012

    “The EU and the Regionalization of the World” The Applied Research Project TIGER - Territorial Impact of Globalization for Europe and its Regions - organises a seminar in Brussels on 2 May 2012. Experts from several disciplines and institutional actors will present the role of the EU in the regionalization of the world from different perspectives.

  • Latest News | 13 April 2012

    “Future Spatial Challenges for Switzerland and Europe: Transnational seminar on Accessibility, Innovation & Economy” In the framework of the SCALES project, the Swiss ESPON Contact Point, Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) invite to an open seminar taking place on 4 May 2012 in Bern - Switzerland. The event focuses on Accessibility, Economy and Innovation.

  • Latest News | 5 April 2012

    ESPON announces the Open Seminar “European Territorial Evidence for EU Cohesion Policy and Programming”. Meet with us on 13 and 14 of June 2012 in Aalborg - Denmark and discuss the support that the territorial evidence delivered by ESPON can provide to the future programming period 2014-2020. Registration is now open.

  • Latest News | 3 April 2012

    Calls for Proposals for Targeted Analysis, Scientific Platform/Tools Projects and Transnational Networking Activities will open on 18 April 2012. The deadline for submitting proposals is 13 June 2012. An Info Day and Partner Café for potential beneficiaries will take place on 10 May 2012.

  • Latest News | 3 April 2012

    Brussels 10 May 2012 In the framework of the upcoming Calls for Proposals to be launched on 18 April 2012, ESPON invites for an Info Day and Partner Café. The registration is open till 26 April 2012 at 15h00. Reserve your place!

  • Latest News | 22 March 2012

    This Targeted Analysis aims at identifying institutional factors explaining the efficiency of public institutions in designing and implementing successful territorial development strategies in the framework of the EU Cohesion Policy. The Inception Report is now online
