900 articles found [661 - 670]
  • Press Releases | 13 June 2012

    Region Nordjylland i Danmark, Stormanchester i Storbritannien, De Baleariske Øer I Spanien og landdistrikterne i Letland har alle god erfaring med, hvordan man kan udvikle den regionale økonomi gennem innovation og viden. ...

  • Press Releases | 13 June 2012

    Showcasing paths to regional economic growth and the use of European Territorial Evidence

  • Press Releases | 13 June 2012

    Showcasing paths to regional economic growth and the use of European Territorial Evidence.

  • Press Releases | 13 June 2012

    Las Islas Baleares, el norte de Jutlandia en Dinamarca, Greater Manchester en Reino Unido y las zonas rurales de Letonia, han compartido su experiencia sobre cómo impulsar la economía regional en base a la innovación y ...

  • Press Releases | 13 June 2012

    Showcasing paths to regional economic growth and the use of European Territorial Evidence

  • Press Releases | 13 June 2012

    The regions of North Jutland, Denmark, Greater Manchester, UK, the Balearic Islands, Spain, and Latvia all have good experiences to share on how to develop the economy of regions based on innovation and knowledge. Their different paths will be showcased to policy makers across the EU at the ESPON Open Seminar on 13-14 June 2012 in Aalborg, ...

  • Latest News | 31 May 2012

    Barcelona, 28 – 29 June 2012. The Conference will bring together officials, researchers and practitioners to discuss some of the main findings of the project SMART-IST, Smart Institutions for Territorial Development.

  • Press Releases | 29 May 2012

    By end of 2013, national and regional authorities will start submitting their operational programmes for 2014-2020 to the European Commission. ESPON`s contribution to this process with new European territorial evidence is in focus at the Open Seminar on 13-14 June 2012, ...

  • Latest News | 29 May 2012

    The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for two trainees for a period of 5 months. University students from the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland are invited to apply. The deadline for applying is 22 June 2012.

  • Latest News | 25 May 2012

    “European Territorial Evidence for EU Cohesion Policy and Programming” Over 200 participants from 31 countries are expected to the event on 13 and 14 June 2012 in Aalborg - Denmark to discuss the support that the territorial evidence delivered by ESPON can provide to the future programming period 2014-2020. The final programme is now available.
