900 articles found [511 - 520]
  • Latest News | 14 January 2014

    Four strategic avenues will guide the implementation of the ESPON 2013 Programme in 2014

  • Latest News | 10 January 2014

    Draft Final Report of GROSEE - Growth Poles in South-East Europe

  • Latest News | 7 January 2014

    This ESPON Territorial Observation gives some insights into different types of gateway functions including major economic and business gateways, knowledge gateways, transport gateways and gateways with particular attractiveness. This evidence can support policy decisions about investments to strengthen gateways, smart growth and Europe’s global competitiveness.

  • Latest News | 12 December 2013

    The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for two trainees for a period of 5 months. University students from the EU27 member states, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland or Liechtenstein are invited to apply. The deadline for applying is 26th January 2014.

  • Latest News | 12 December 2013

    Vilnius, 4-5 December 2013 - ESPON organised, in cooperation with the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, its annual internal seminar under the topic of ‘Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and Territorial Agenda 2020’.

  • Latest News | 11 December 2013

    Brussels, 27 November 2013 – At the event different types of gateways from a European perspective have been discussed. The presentations are online now

  • Latest News | 9 December 2013

    Final Report of SCALES - Breakdown and capitalisation of ESPON results on different scales

  • Latest News | 9 December 2013

    Draft Final Report of LP3LP - Landscape Policy for the 3 Countries Park

  • Latest News | 29 November 2013

    The programme of the Lithuanian EU Presidency emphasises the need for developing cooperation with EU strategic partners and regions in the field of migration. Furthermore, recent events around the Mediterranean Sea related to flows of irregular migrants towards Europe have increased the attention to migration issues.

  • Latest News | 29 November 2013

    Services of general interest cover important arrangements, tasks and functions related to citizen`s welfare and participation.
