900 articles found [541 - 550]
  • Latest News | 13 September 2013

    How ESPON evidence can support the development of new programmes by giving a comparative European dimension? ESPON published 10 Territorial Evidence Packs aiming at providing the reader with insight on different types of territorial evidence with regard to the thematic objectives of programmes 2014-2020.

  • Latest News | 6 September 2013

    Final Report of SMART-IST, Smart Institutions for Territorial Development

  • Latest News | 5 September 2013

    Final Report of ULYSSES - Using applied research results from ESPON as a yardstick for cross-border spatial development planning

  • Latest News | 2 September 2013

    Brussels, 30 September 2013 - This workshop is jointly organised by ESPON, the Mission of Norway to the EU, West and South Norway Regional Offices in Brussels. The territorial dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy and contribution of regions to reach its headline targets will be addressed.

  • Latest News | 26 August 2013

    Territorial Observation 8 explores the diversity of maritime areas and focuses on land‑sea interactions, including the role of the maritime economy, the land‑sea flows and the environmental pressures. The potentials for maritime development are not equally distributed across all parts of Europe.

  • Latest News | 22 August 2013

    Call for Proposals for Transnational Networking Activities by the ESPON Contact Points is now open. The available budget is 700.000,00 €. The application deadline is 18 October 2013.

  • Latest News | 20 August 2013

    TU Delft, Netherlands - 16 September 2013The North Sea STAR project invites stakeholders from the North Sea Region for a interactive workshop "Energy and the North Sea Region" which will focus on energy policy scenarios for the North Sea region up to 2050 and explore how these can be addressed through the NSR Operational Programme for 2014-2020. 

  • Latest News | 8 August 2013

    Luxembourg, 12-13 September 2013ESPON invites for a Scientific Conference on "Science in support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion" to discuss concepts, methodologies, indicators, tools, maps and models developed within the ESPON projects and the European scientific research community in the field of territorial development and cohesion. Registration is open

  • Latest News | 6 August 2013

    ESPON publishes today its 2012 Annual Report which provides an overview of the major achievements and activities performed by ESPON in its tenth year of existence.

  • Latest News | 6 August 2013

    Interim Report of ESPON Atlas on European Territorial Structures and Dynamics
