ESPON Work Plan 2014

Four strategic avenues will guide the implementation of the ESPON 2013 Programme in 2014:

(1) Emphasising capitalisation and communication activities and wide-spread use of ESPON territorial evidence based on all results achieved with the ESPON 2013 Programme, with particular promotion of new evidence becoming available during 2014.

(2) Improving the ESPON toolbox through a wide-range of actions on different issues that together contributes to a consistent and inter-related set of tools for territorial analyses based on ESPON results.

(3) Guaranteeing high quality, solid and useful outputs from active projects, supported by clear executive summaries and applications that can make ESPON even more useful as provider of territorial evidence and tools.

(4) Continuing efforts ensuring sound financial management with finding-free audits and quality checks and preparing for the winding up of the 2013 Programme.

The ESPON Work Plan 2014 is available here.