ESPON Open Seminar

"Evidence and Knowledge Needs
for the Territorial Agenda 2020
and the EU Cohesion Policy"

Gödöllő, Hungary 21 and 22 June 2011

ESPON organised in cooperation with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union a two days Open Seminar on “Evidence and Knowledge Needs for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the EU Cohesion Policy”. The Seminar took place at the Royal Castle Gödöllő on 21 and 22 June 2011 and brought together more than 250 participants from 30 countries representing European Institutions, national governments, research institutions and universities.







The event took into account the current political debate on cohesion policy and its future; the revised Territorial Agenda 2020 and the update of the Territorial State and Perspective document were part of the context. Its purpose was two-fold:

  • Allow policy makers and practitioners to formulate and further precise the demand of knowledge and tools to the ESPON community;
  • Provide evidence on the contribution and usefulness of the ESPON knowledge base as well as concrete examples on its practical use.

Opening and Policy Oriented Panels







The opening political discussion with general interventions by politicians and high-level policy makers on the evidence and knowledge of a renewed cohesion policy and revised Territorial Agenda, set the scene for the discussions at the following “policy oriented panels” addressing eight key topics:

  1. Handling the consequences of the economic crisis
  2. Launching new forms of territorial cooperation
  3. A competitive Europe in a Globalised World through Research and Innovation
  4. A sustainable, integrated and secure transport policy (connectivity and access)
  5. Strategies for competitive, sustainable and secure energy
  6. Managing territorial effect of climate change
  7. Policy responses to territorial impacts of demographic trends
  8. Governance as a contribution to successful territorial development







At the panels lead and project partners brought in critical inputs and examples based on the results of their respective projects. Stakeholders actively participated in the debate bringing their specific needs, experience and points of view.


The final discussion provided all actors involved with valuable feedback to strengthen and increase the usefulness and use of ESPON results.

ESPON, with its mission of providing territorial evidence, was claimed as a valuable tool for supporting policy making in Europe. Furthermore, the ESPON challenging efforts to make two worlds speaking together, researchers and policy makers, facilitate their dialogue within the common aim of the territorial cohesion and a harmonious development of the European territory.





More information

Please find below the programme, the list of participants, the press releases and the presentations made during the event.

More photos are available in the next pages.

Should you have questions please do not hesitate to contact the ESPON Coordination Unit at [email protected]


This event was organised within the framework of the ESPON 2013 Capitalisation Strategy
(Actions related to European Seminars and Workshops).  

"Evidence and Knowledge Needs
for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the EU Cohesion Policy"

Margaret Island, Budapest

Monday 20 June. Welcome reception










































































"Evidence and Knowledge Needs
for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the EU Cohesion Policy"

Gödöllő, Hungary 21 and 22 June 2011

Tuesday 21 June. Registration & Welcome 

























037 040
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Tuesday 21 June 2011. Opening -
Setting the scene

071 072
073 074
075 076
078 079
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084 085
086 087

Tuesday 21 June 2011. Roundtable – Evidence and knowledge needs for EU Cohesion Policy post 2013 and the Territorial Agenda 2020

088 089
090 091
092 093
094 095
100 097
099 101
102 103

Tuesday 21 June 2011.
Networking Lunch and Shooting

159 158
109 115
116 112
130 161

Tuesday 21 June 2011.
“Zooming-In” on policy setting in different territorial contexts and scales.

121 123
126 124
128 125
129 127

Tuesday 21 June 2011. Networking

131 133
132 139
137 134
135 136

Tuesday 21 June 2011.
Policy Oriented Panels – Session 1

140 141
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Tuesday 21 June 2011. Open Seminar Dinner

177 178
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Wednesday 22 June 2011.
Policy Oriented Panels – Session 2

202 205
206 207
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212 213
214 216
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230 234

Wednesday 22 June 2011. Conclusions –
Round Table Discussion and Farewell

239 241
243 248
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  • Acrobat Document | 4.86MB


  • Acrobat Document | 90KB

Press Release 30/05/2011

  • Acrobat Document | 234KB

Sajtóközlemény 14/06/2011

  • Acrobat Document | 243KB

Practical Information Note

  • Acrobat Document | 430KB

Zsuzsanna Drahos, Hungarian Ministry of National Development

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 936KB

Heléna Polomik, Louise Sassonia, Gergő Szankó, László Gere, VÁTI

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 22.65MB

Jacek Zaucha, University of Gdansk, Poland

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.46MB

Viktória Varga Lencsés, INTERACT ENPI

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 883KB

Ádám Radvánszki, VÁTI, ECP Hungary

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.05MB

Tamás Gordos, Regional Development Agency, Central Region,

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 9.42MB

Moritz Lennert, IGEAT – ULB Brussels

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 16.05MB

Roberto Camagni

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 262KB

Stewart MacNeill

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 370KB

Federica Busillo, Ministry of Economic Development Italy

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.20MB

Carlos Tapia

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.84MB

Dorothea Palenberg, blue! advancing european projects

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 259KB

Katarzyna Zawalinska, Euroreg

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.21MB

Visvaldis Valtenbergs

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 5.86MB

Roberta Capello

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 929KB

Gilles Van Hamme, IGEAT – ULB Brussels

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 5.32MB

Massimiliano Leoncini, Tuscany Region, Italy

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 423KB

Group discussion

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 98KB


  • MS-Word Document | 19KB

Klaus Spiekermann

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.14MB

David Shaw

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 4.35MB

Daniel Rauhut

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.83MB

Erik Gløersen

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.31MB

Ernst Holzinger, ESPON MC Austria

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.69MB

José Mª Subero Munilla, Government of Aragón Spain

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 37.30MB

Bullet points

  • MS-Word Document | 15KB

Peter Mehlbye, ESPON CU

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.97MB

Efrén Feliú

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 5.24MB

Thomas B. Fischer

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 280KB

Jaume Fons-Esteve

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 923KB

Blanka Bartol, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 597KB

Group Discussion

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 187KB

Bullet points

  • MS-Word Document | 15KB

Stefan Greiving

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.07MB

Bernd Schuh

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 526KB

Moritz Lennert

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.56MB

Karin Wiest Panel 7-Policy responses to territorial impacts of demographics trends. Project SEMIGRA

  • Acrobat Document | 545KB

Jan Zaman, Flemish Administration, Belgium

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 12.59MB

Michael Parkinson

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 418KB

Mirosław Grochowski

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.07MB

Johannes Suitner

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 405KB

Peter Mehlbye, ESPON CU

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.97MB

Magdalena Zagrzejewska-Fiedorowicz, ESPON MC Member Poland

  • Unknown | 3.91MB