Seminar "Evidence-based Cohesion Policy: Territorial Dimensions"

Kraków, Poland

29 - 30 November 2011

Interest at a European level in evidence-based and result-oriented policy delivery is high. The demand is for an integrated, place-based approach and a territorial dimension in policy development. This is in order to fulfil the high-level objective of territorial cohesion and harmonious development of the European territory. In this context, ESPON organised in close cooperation with the Polish Presidency of the European Union the fourth Internal Seminar under the ESPON 2013 Programme on 29 and 30 November 2011 in Kraków, Poland.







 In the presence of Elżbieta Koterba, Deputy Mayor of Kraków, Prof. Karol Musioł, Rector of the Jagiellonian University, Stanisław Sorys, Member of the Board of the Małopolska Region, representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development from Poland, the European Commission DG Regio, more than 200 researchers, stakeholders and policymakers discussed new EU policy orientations and the added-value of ESPON results to these processes. In addition, the Seminar stimulated further the dialogue and exchange between the members of the Monitoring Committee, the Stakeholders participating in Targeted Analyses, the partners in the Project Groups and the network of ESPON Contact Points.







The purpose of the ESPON seminar was three-fold:

  • Engaging in a constructive exchange of views on issues of political interest related to a stronger territorial dimension in future policy, where ESPON can contribute with territorial facts and evidence.
  • Conducting a stimulating discussion on current project results and progress, highlighting the added value of using the facts and evidence provided for place-based policy making.
  • Increasing the involvement of actors and networking, creating synergetic linkages between the projects, and finding options to improve processing, dissemination and communication of ESPON results to policy makers ranging from local/regional level to pan-European level.






 The first day of the Seminar put focus on the future Cohesion Policy and the Territorial Agenda 2020. Key note speeches from the Polish EU Presidency and the European Commission were delivered on considerations related to European policy with a territorial dimension. In the following plenary session, a number of key policy issues and demands were be addressed by leading researchers focusing on the contribution and use of ESPON results in support of a territorial dimension in policy making.







 The second day of the Seminar was dedicated to thematic parallel workshops addressing results and key messages of the ESPON Applied Research projects, Targeted Analyses as well as the Transnational Networking Activities projects. The presentations stimulated lively discussions between the policy makers in the ESPON Monitoring Committee, Stakeholders behind ESPON Targeted Analyses, the ESPON Contact Point Network and the transnational partners of ESPON projects on the policy relevance and implications of the research and activities carried out.

More information

Please find below the programme, the list of participants as well as the presentations given during the event.

Should you have questions please do not hesitate to contact the ESPON Coordination Unit at [email protected]


































































































  • Acrobat Document | 1.30MB


  • Acrobat Document | 147KB

Philippe Monfort

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.33MB

Magdalena Zagrzejewska

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.75MB

Philippe Doucet, Kai Boehme, Tomasz Komornicki, Dariusz Swiątek

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.78MB

Jacek Szlachta

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 8.35MB

Bernd Schuh

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 987KB

Bernd Schuh

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.39MB

Andreu Ulied

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 23.96MB

Karin Wiest

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 6.38MB

Klaus Spiekermann

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 4.43MB

Chris Collinge, Dave Carter

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.29MB

Daniel Rauhut

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.66MB

Carolina Pacchi

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.00MB

Peter Schmitt, Lisa van Well

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 377KB

David Shaw

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 5.52MB

Steinar Johansen

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.10MB

Erik Glöersen, Michiel Van Eupen

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 13.62MB

Tobias Chilla

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 4.40MB

Dorothea Pallenberg

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.34MB

Katarzyna Zawalinska

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.86MB

Efren Feliu

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.19MB

Cliff Hague

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.29MB

Heikki Eskelinen

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 299KB

Peter Schön

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 10.48MB

Frederic Santamaria

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.92MB

Stella Kyvelou

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 810KB

Jérôme Gensel

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.53MB

Teresa Sprague

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.98MB

Jaume Fons

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.36MB

Efren Feliu

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 462KB

Miroslaw Grochowski

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 4.14MB

Rudolf Giffinger, Johannes Suitner

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.75MB

Michael Parkinson

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.97MB

Antonio Russo, Loris Servillo

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 5.70MB

Roberta Capello

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 7.83MB

Valeria Paul Carril

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 5.73MB

Kathy Pain

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.27MB

Gavriel Avigdor

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 657KB

Vanessa Rousseaux

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 3.69MB

Didier Peeters

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.97MB

Roger Milego M4D Project

  • GIF Image | 0KB

Peter Mehlbye

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 1.99MB

Marie Tefre

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 4.63MB

Phaedon Enotiades

  • Powerpoint Presentation | 2.25MB