268 articles found [265 - 268]
  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The INTERACT-ESPON Synthesis Report is based on the five ESPON-INTERACT studies and the corresponding conferences and workshops carried out between 2004 and 2006. The purpose of the ESPON-INTERACT cooperation was to stimulate the mutual exchange between territorial cooperation under INTERREG projects and applied territorial research in ESPON.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    This report presents the proceedings of the 1st ESPON Scientific Conference on European Territorial Research, held at 13-14 October 2005 in Luxembourg.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The ESPON Synthesis Report II presents integrated ESPON results (status spring 2005) on basic territorial structures, dynamics and policy impacts. It intends to contribute to the process of carrying through the re-launch of the Lisbon strategy and to enable a better understanding of the framework conditions necessary for identifying and mobilising the territorial capital of individual regions and of larger territories across Europe.

  • ESPON 2006 Programme | 11 December 2009

    The ESPON Atlas provides a synoptic and comprehensive overview of findings from ESPON Projects of the 2006 Programme.