900 articles found [761 - 770]
  • Latest News | 22 March 2011

    The Targeted Analysis project TPM - Territorial Performance Monitoring - shall establish knowledge on how territorial impacts of macro challenges such as climate change, energy supply, demographic development and globalisation translate at the regional level and how to deal with these challenges effectively. More

  • Latest News | 18 March 2011

    The Targeted Analysis project EATIA - ESPON and Territorial Impact Assessment - shall test the practical use of existing methods and tools for Territorial Impact Assessment. The project is expected to define possibilities for implementing TIA at national and sub-national level. More

  • Latest News | 10 March 2011

    Targeted Analyses for Stakeholders: Territorial Evidence in Practice ESPON organises its first Conference on 11 May 2011 in Brussels. Discuss with us the use of territorial evidence in practice on the basis of the experiences with Targeted Analyses. Mr. Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, and Mr. Claude Wiseler, Luxembourg Minister for Sustainable Development and Infrastructures will be present. Participate and reserve your place!

  • Latest News | 10 March 2011

    The Targeted Analysis project POLYCE - Metropolisation and Polycentric Development in Central Europe: Evidence Based Strategic Options - addresses the polycentric network of metropolitan functional urban areas in the Danube Region. More

  • Latest News | 15 February 2011

    The objective of DEMIFER - Demographic and Migratory Flows affecting European Regions and Cities - is to assess the effects of demographic trends and migratory flows on European regions and cities and to examine the implications for regional competitiveness and cohesion. The final report, its annexes and 12 case studies are now online.

  • Latest News | 15 February 2011

    The Applied Research TIGER - Territorial Impact of globalization on European Regions – has delivered its Inception Report which gives indications about data, methods and deliveries of the project.

  • Press Releases | 25 January 2011

    The ESPON Programme launches today new Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interest. Scientists, Experts and Public Authorities are invited to become involved in new ESPON projects. Up to 5.493.000,00 is available for this call.

  • Latest News | 24 January 2011

    Call for Proposals and Expression of Interests is now open. The available budget amounts to up to 5.493.000, 00 Euro covering Applied Research Projects, Expression of Interests by stakeholders for Targeted Analyses and Scientific Platform. The deadline is 21 March 2011. Apply here to become involved in new ESPON projects.

  • Latest News | 18 January 2011

    ESPON has recently published its First Scientific Report presenting the methodologies used within ESPON projects.

  • Latest News | 5 January 2011

    The final report of the project ReRisk focuses on opportunities to support competitive and clean energy supplies for regions in Europe and to generate and strengthen sustainable energy sources.
