900 articles found [731 - 740]
  • Latest News | 30 June 2011

    In the framework of the upcoming Calls for Proposals to be launched on 24 August 2011, ESPON invites for an Info Day and Partner Café in Brussels on 13 September 2011. Reserve your place! The registration is open.

  • Latest News | 17 June 2011

    The metropolitan areas of Berlin, Paris and Warsaw are the focus of this project which aims at identifying factors that determine their specific development and gathering knowledge that can be used in the development and management of metropolitan areas. More

  • Latest News | 17 June 2011

    How to Analyse your Region at European, National and Local Level? The ESPON HyperAtlas is now available with the most updated data and indicator sets. It is a highly sophisticated analytical tool based on the multi-scalar territorial analysis concept. With the HyperAtlas you can easily compare and analyse your region’s relative position at European, national and local scale.  

  • Latest News | 7 June 2011

    The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for a Project Expert/Project Development and Coordination to join our international team. The deadline for applying for the post is 20 June 2011.

  • Latest News | 1 June 2011

    Evidence and Knowledge Needs for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and EU Cohesion Policy At the Open Seminar, which takes place on 21 and 22 June 2011 in Gödöllő – Hungary, keynote speeches of policy makers, feedback from experts based on ESPON deliveries and stakeholder opinions on using the ESPON knowledge base, shall give new inspiration to the most adequate ESPON support to the Territorial Agenda 2020 and future EU Cohesion Policy. The registration is now closed.

  • Latest News | 31 May 2011

    Around 40 experts from all over Europe shared experiences and contributed to the debate on Land Use at the ESPON Workshop on 24 May. The presentations given are now available.

  • Latest News | 30 May 2011

    Press release - The debate around EU Cohesion Policy post 2013, the adoption of the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the evidence contribution of ESPON to the EU, national and regional policy making are in focus at the Open Seminar “Evidence and Knowledge Needs for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and EU Cohesion Policy” on 21 - 22 June in Hungary.

  • Press Releases | 30 May 2011

    The debate around EU Cohesion Policy post 2013, the adoption of the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the evidence contribution of ESPON to the EU, national and regional policy making are in focus at the Open Seminar “Evidence and Knowledge Needs for the Territorial Agenda 2020 and EU Cohesion Policy”. The Seminar is organised in cooperation with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

  • Latest News | 26 May 2011

    Two important events during May have recognized the importance of having continuous evidence support to policy development in the field of territorial development and cohesion: the ESPON High Level Conference and the Informal Ministerial Meeting on Territorial Cohesion, where the key role of ESPON and its continuation post-2013 were highlighted.

  • Latest News | 23 May 2011

    The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for a Project Expert/Project Development and Coordination to join our international team. The deadline for applying for the post is 20 June 2011.
