900 articles found [321 - 330]
  • Latest News | 30 June 2017

    The ESPON EGTC has launched a Call for Tenders for Targeted Analysis “Cross-border Public Services (CPS)”, deadline is 8 August 2017 at 11:30.

  • Map Internet Interaction with public authorities
    Latest News | 29 June 2017

    The survey seeks to collect data on the level of digital transition of cities based on the opinions and perceptions of local government authorities and organisations providing public services. Closing date for submissions is Friday 7 July 2017.

  • New website - responsive to handheld devices
    Latest News | 26 June 2017

    We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website! With this new website we would like to provide our visitors a modern, innovative, and interactive user experience as well as an easier way to learn about ESPON’s activities.

  • ESPON EGTC Vacancy - ESPON Infoday
    Latest News | 12 June 2017

    The ESPON EGTC is looking for a Financial Expert/Contract management and Financial Control. Deadline for applications is 12 July 2017 at 16h00.

  • Latest News | 16 May 2017

    The ESPON EGTC is looking for two trainees for a period of 5 months. The deadline for applying is 30 June 2017.

  • Territorial impressions of demographic change in the 2030s
    Latest News | 13 May 2017

    The Interim Report of the Applied Research activity Possible European Territorial Futures is online.

  • Latest News | 13 May 2017

    Dublin, 4-7 June 2017 - The research team of the Inner Peripheries activity will present and discuss their work at the RSA Annual Conference 2017 during the session “Spatial Reorganisation Trends & the Rising Importance of Relational Proximity”.

  • Latest News | 13 May 2017

    Valletta, 24 and 25 May 2017 - More than 200 policy makers and scientists will gather in Valletta at the ESPON Seminar “Revealing territorial potentials and shaping new policies - Co

  • Latest News | 10 May 2017

    The ESPON EGTC has launched a Call for Tender for Applied Research "Territories with geographical specificities", deadline is 15 June 2017 at 10:00.

  • Latest News | 10 May 2017

    The ESPON EGTC has launched a Call for Tender for Applied Research "Youth unemployment: territorial trends and regional resilience", deadline is 15 June 2017 at 10:30.
