ESPON Report "Possible European Territorial Futures"

Does Europe move towards territorial cohesion?

TerrFutReportThe Interim Report of the Applied Research activity Possible European Territorial Futures focuses on the analysis of the current territorial development in Europe and provides a first basis for the work on the developments towards 2030.

To understand Europe’s territorial situation today and changes expected towards 2030, the report focuses on four domains: demography, socio-economics, environment & climate change, and research & technology. Based on this analysis, the report draws first conclusions whether Europe moves towards territorial cohesion or not. In addition, the Annex provides current insight on the situation and recent trends with respect to circular economy, renewable energy and the property market.

The lead contractor, Spatial Foresight (LU) and the seven partners (Mcrit-ES, Spiekermann & Wegener-DE, ISINNOVA-IT, Basque Center BC3-ES, Centre urban & territorial development, Institu Rozwoju-PL, TU Delft-NL, ÖIR-AT) will deliver the Draft Final Report Draft Final in July 2017.

You can join the discussion on possible territorial futures and share your ideas on social media: ESPON – Territorial Futures on LinkedIn and RegioNetwork on Yammer.

ESPON Possible European Territorial Futures Interim Report and its annex are available at the ESPON Website.