Territorial Monitoring Report

Progress towards the Territorial Agenda of the EU 2020

ESPONMonitoringReport_coverDecember 2014 - The ESPON Monitoring Report presents territorial evidence on the progress Europe has made towards the orientations of the Territorial Agenda 2020. It also explores how the recent development trends may have contributed to the achievement of Europe 2020 objectives.

Each chapter focuses of territorial trends for one of each of the six policy priorities of the Territorial Agenda 2020, and starts with a short section on the interpretation of the policy priority. Hereafter, the latest related territorial evidence is presented, in order to support the understanding of to what degree Europe is progressing towards the policy orientation in question.

A range of maps and figures illustrate the text and, when relevant, territorial trends and developments are discussed in different time perspectives, e.g. before and after the current crisis.

The final section of each chapter sums up the territorial observations in light of the policy priorities addressed.

An executive summary is presented before the six individual chapters, including highlights in short of the publication to support an easy uptake by policy makers of key messages presented.

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