268 articles found [145 - 156]
  • Featured Map | 7 October 2016

    October 2016 - Polycentricity is a concept that encourages regions and cities, working with neighbouring territories, to explore common strengths and reveal po

  • Policy Briefs | 12 July 2016

    More than ever, cities today need to reinforce smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, while managing e.g. demographic change, housing, urban mobility, energy transition, all in a context of scarce public but also private resources.

  • Featured Map | 6 July 2016

    More than ever, cities today need to reinforce smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, while managing e.g. demographic change, housing, urban mobility, energy transition, all in a context of scarce public but also private resources. They function as nodes of development and contribute decisively to local, regional, national and European economic growth.

  • Featured Map | 3 June 2016

    Over the last years, the movement in favour of an integrated European urban policy has gained momentum. Improving urban quality of life, addressing social challenges in cities, facilitating mobility and communications and ensuring that all cities fully contribute to national economic growth and job creation are important and interlinked objectives.

  • Policy Briefs | 3 June 2016

    Over the last years, the movement in favour of an integrated European urban policy has gained momentum. Improving urban quality of life, addressing social challenges in cities, facilitating mobility and communications and ensuring that all cities fully contribute to national economic growth and job creation are important and interlinked objectives.

  • Policy Briefs | 20 May 2016

    Better Regulation, with the aim to lead to EU policies achieving their objectives in the most effective and efficient way, is one of the central themes of the Dutch EU-Presidency. Upon request the ESPON EGTC analysed possible long-term effects in case the design and implementation of the regulatory framework would not be aligned with Better Regulation.

  • Featured Map | 20 May 2016

    Better Regulation, with the aim to lead to EU policies achieving their objectives in the most effective and efficient way, is one of the central themes of the Dutch EU-Presidency. Upon request the ESPON EGTC analysed possible long-term effects in case the design and implementation of the regulatory framework would not be aligned with Better Regulation.

  • Featured Map | 7 April 2016

    ESPON presents territorial observations on key development patterns of territories with geographic specificities (coastal areas, islands, mountains and sparsely populated regions)

  • Policy Briefs | 25 March 2016

    Territorial scenarios focusing on the development of metropolitan regions, of cities or of regions will towards 2050 deliver the same level of economic growth for Europe. However, attention to the development of cities seems to have a slight advantage towards 2030.

  • Policy Briefs | 25 March 2016

    Europe has witnessed an inflow of a large number of people over the last years. As a consequence of the geopolitical instability in the Middle East and Africa, migration and refugee flows towards Europe have increased with significant territorial impacts on European countries, regions and cities.

  • Atlas | 25 March 2016

    The ESPON 2013 Programme continued pursuing the achievements attained by ESPON in supporting policy development with evidence in relation to territorial cohesion and the aim of a harmonious and balanced development of the European territory. 

  • Policy | 28 January 2016

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