Call for Tender for Applied Research - Green infrastructure and ecosystem services

The service shall provide European evidence on the territorial dimension of green infrastructure and ecosystem services in different types of regions and cities. The main outcome should be regional evidence on patterns of green infrastructure and ecosystem services in Europe, and on facilitating the enhancement of ecosystems and their services on different levels of governance in line with the EU’s biodiversity strategy.

Policy questions

More concretely, the objective of this activity is to receive answers to the following key policy questions:

  • How do European regions and cities fare in offering access to GI and ecosystem services, and meeting the existing demand for regulating, provisioning and cultural services offered by GI and ecosystems? In case demands are not sufficiently met, what are the consequences?
  • What are the potential effects, both positive and negative ones, of GI and ecosystem services on the development of regions and cities? Which territories can benefit most of such potential?
  • How do European regions and cities look at the concept of GI and ecosystem services? What kind of knowledge do they need to anticipate and benefit from this opportunity?
  • To which degree is GI rewarding from an economic point of view, particularly in a long-term perspective? What could policy makers do to overcome the potential resistance of the private sector to GI investment?
  • How can GI be further integrated in spatial planning and territorial development? How can GI contribute to improve welfare in urban regions (e.g. by creating or restoring recreational and leisure parks, multiple-use forest parks and trekking networks)? How can national, regional and local authorities as well as the private sector be supported to develop GI in the most effective way and to invest in ecosystem services?

The services requested are further explained in the technical and administrative terms and conditions.


The maximum available budget for this contract is EUR 650.000,00, exclusive of VAT but inclusive of all other taxes, disbursements, travel, accommodation and delivery costs. The contracting authority is not bound to place orders for the total available budget.

Tendering documents

The documentation related to the Call, such as technical specifications, annexes, questions and answers, can be accessed free of charge, until 7 days before submission deadline, as follows:


Deadline for the submission of the offers is 5 May 2017 at 10:00 (CET - Central European Time).

More information