North Sea STAR Stakeholder Workshop

TU Delft, Netherlands, 16 September 2013

The ESPON North Sea STAR project is working with the Interreg IVb North Sea Region Programme Secretariat to evaluate energy themed projects within the 2007-2013 programme and provide recommendations as to how energy issues might be addressed in the forthcoming Interreg Vb programme.

As part of the activities, stakeholders from the North Sea Region (current and potential project beneficiaries) are invited to participate in a day of interactive discussions, considering energy policy scenarios for the North Sea region up to 2050 and exploring how these can be addressed through the NSR Operational Programme for 2014-2020.

The workshop will:

  • help participants to gain a better understanding of current energy policies and programmes shaping the transition to a low carbon, resource efficient economy in the North Sea Region;
  • provide opportunities for networking with other NSR projects and potential project partners;
  • enable participants to influence the development of energy-related projects in the next Operational Programme.


OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment

Delft University of Technology

Jaffalaan 9, Building 30

2628 BX Delft, Netherlands

Further information