619 articles found [241 - 250]
  • Latest News | 7 July 2014

    Brussels, 4 September 2014 - ESPON invites to the Workshop “Scenarios and modeling in the framework of exploring Territorial Cohesion”. The registration is open till 27 August 2014 at 14h00. More

  • Latest News | 4 July 2014

    Draft Final Report of TOWN – Small and Medium-Sized Towns

  • Latest News | 4 July 2014

    Draft Final Report of ITAN - Integrated Territorial Analysis of the Neighbourhood

  • Latest News | 4 July 2014

    Interactive handbook for policy-makers and practitioners on how to use ESPON knowledge at local and regional level.

  • Latest News | 3 July 2014

    Final Report of CaDEC - Capitalisation and Dissemination of ESPON Concepts

  • Latest News | 2 July 2014

    Second Interim Report of ESPON Database 2013 Phase II (2011-2014), Multi Dimensional Database Design and Development (M4D)

  • Latest News | 18 June 2014

    Nafplion - Greece, 4 and 5 June 2014 ESPON held a Open Seminar on “Opportunities and threats for territorial cohesion: Blue Growth and Urban Poverty”. The Seminar was organised in cooperation with the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • Latest News | 11 June 2014

    Draft Final Report of ET2050 - Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe

  • Latest News | 11 June 2014

    The Draft Final Report of RIMAP is now available. You can test the beta-version of the tool here http://rimap.espon.eu/

  • Latest News | 28 May 2014

    The challenges that Europe faces today, such as international competitiveness, climate change, energy security, demographic aging, all have a territorial aspect and hence a Neighbourhood dimension. This Territorial Observation on European Neighbourhoods gives a snapshot of the current relationships across the EU’s borders.
