619 articles found [181 - 190]
  • Latest News | 16 February 2016

    The ESPON EGTC is pleased to announce an open invitation to policymakers and practitioners to submit proposals for Targeted Analyses meeting their particular policy demands and evidence needs.

  • Latest News | 15 February 2016

    The evaluation of the 50 offers received for the seven calls launched in December 2015 has started. The offers currently go through the successive phases of evaluation, hereafter the technical evaluation will start and the tenderers shall be informed of the outcome of the procedure early April 2016.

  • Latest News | 5 February 2016

    Two positions are currently open: Head of Unit for Evidence and Outreach and Head of Unit for Administration and Management.

  • Latest News | 1 February 2016

    Over the last years, migration and refugee flows towards Europe have increased with significant territorial impacts on countries, regions and cities. This situation has resulted in the largest movement of people to European countries since the Second World War.

  • Latest News | 10 December 2015

    Amsterdam, 16 and 17 June 2016 - ESPON Seminar in cooperation with the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the EU.

  • Latest News | 10 December 2015

    Luxembourg, 8-9 December 2015 - The two day seminar was organised in cooperation with the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU. The event was an important opportunity for the ESPON EGTC to engage stakeholders in discussions about their need for territorial evidence.

  • Latest News | 11 November 2015

    Scenarios can be a useful tool to support policy-making. They can be used to communicate insights and discuss potential territorial developments, the impact of territorially relevant policies, and the political choices to be made.

  • Latest News | 10 November 2015

    One position is currently open: Director for the ESPON EGTC.

  • Latest News | 26 October 2015

    Luxembourg, 8-9 December 2015 - Join the Seminar and hear from key note speakers on the territorial aspects of refugee migration, the cross-border cooperation, the monitoring for macro-regions as well as on the implementation of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme. Register now

  • Latest News | 21 September 2015

    Scenarios can be a useful tool to support policy-making. They can be used to communicate insights and discuss potential territorial developments, the impact of territorially relevant policies, and the political choices to be made.
