900 articles found [831 - 840]
  • Press Releases | 1 February 2010

    “The accelerating globalisation and new emerging markets will have major impacts on Europe and its territory, cities and regions,” states the Europe in the World Report of ESPON.

  • Press Releases | 1 February 2010

    The second round of calls for proposals of the ESPON 2013 Programme was presented at an Info Day in Bruxelles on 9 September 2008.

  • Press Releases | 1 February 2010

    ESPON has recently published the first issue of “Territorial Observation”. This publication provides concise information on important new evidence related to dynamics of population development and migration in Europe and its regions. These dynamics have an influence on territorial cohesion and regional competitiveness.

  • Press Releases | 1 February 2010

    ESPON is organising a Spring Workshop on Innovative Visualisation and Cartographic Language on 2 April 2009, an event in line with the European Year 2009 of Creativity & Innovation.

  • Press Releases | 1 February 2010

    In cooperation with the Czech EU Presidency, the ESPON Programme is organising an Open Seminar addressing Territorial Development Opportunities during the Global Economic Recession for regions, cities and larger territories. The event will take place in Prague on 3 – 4 June 2009.

  • Press Releases | 1 February 2010

    08/05/2009 - In cooperation with the European Commission DG Regio, the ESPON Programme has organised a Workshop to raise awareness of ESPON results and to support their use in policymaking at European level. The event took place in Brussels on 6 May 2009.

  • Press Releases | 1 February 2010

    25/05/2009 - Applied Research Projects, conducted under the ESPON 2013 Programme, create European wide, comparable information and evidence on territorial potentials andchallenges focusing on opportunities for success for the development of regions and cities. The first Interim Reports of two ESPON Projects are now available.

  • Press Releases | 29 January 2010

    08/07/2009 - Three applied research projects commissioned by ESPON have now delivered their Interim Reports which have been approved by the ESPON Monitoring Committee. The projects cover three important research areas in order to support policy development related to territorial development and cohesion.

  • Press Releases | 29 January 2010

    The ESPON Programme has pre-announced the launch of 5 new Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interest. Partners and stakeholders from 31 European countries are invited to become involved in up to 31 new projects. A budget of maximum 14.910.000 Euro is allocated. The Calls will be opened at the Info Day and Partner Café on 16 September in Brussels.

  • Press Releases | 28 January 2010

    Researchers, experts and stakeholders in the public and private sector from 31 European countries are invited to become involved in up to 31 new projects on new analyses under the ESPON 2013 Programme. Public authorities are in particular invited to express their interest and ideas on future targeted analyses based on ESPON results tailored to meet their needs.
