Use of ESPON

The ESPON projects BSR-TeMo, KITCASP, ITAN and TRACC will contribute with findings and new evidence to events in the Baltic Sea Region

1) Workshop in Riga, 28 November 2013

VASAB, the intergovernmental multilateral co-operation of 11 countries of the Baltic Sea Region in spatial planning and development, invites regional and national level representatives of the Baltic Sea Region to the workshop “Cultivating new ideas for the territorial development of the Baltic Sea Region”.

Further information and agenda at the VASAB website

2) Stakeholder meeting in Helsinki, 12 December 2013

VASAB invites policy makers, experts and practitioners from various sectors and governance levels of the Baltic Sea Region, including representatives of pan-Baltic organizations to the meeting “Creating synergies for well-integrated and coherent Baltic Sea Region”.

At the meeting results of the ESPON projects addressing territorial development processes in the Baltic Sea Region will be presented.

Further information at the VASAB website