Territorial Approaches for New Governance – TANGO: new report

The Interim Report presents preliminary results and considerations of policy relevant implications.

The report includes 12 interesting case studies

1- “Territorial Climate Change governance in the Baltic Sea Region”,

2- “Territorial Governance as a way to resource efficiency in Stockholm”,

3- “StedenbaanPlus”,

4-“ Cross-border cooperation Rhine Basin”,

5-“ Target-based Tripartite Agreement between the European Commission, the Italian Government and Lombardy Region”,

6- “Innovative economic development strategies in Saint-Étienne within the South Loire SCOT framework”,

7- “Greater Manchester City Region Governance”,

8- “North Shields Fish Quay: Neighbourhood Planning in the UK”,

9- “Management of Structural Funds in Central and Eastern European countries”,

10- “European Capital of Culture, Pécs, 2010”,

11- “Formulation and implementation of spatial planning strategies and regional development policies in Ljubljana Urban Region”,

12- “Governance of natural areas in the Alpine Adriatic area”.

Read the report at the ESPON Website.