900 articles found [481 - 490]
  • Latest News | 28 May 2014

    The challenges that Europe faces today, such as international competitiveness, climate change, energy security, demographic aging, all have a territorial aspect and hence a Neighbourhood dimension. This Territorial Observation on European Neighbourhoods gives a snapshot of the current relationships across the EU’s borders.

  • Latest News | 28 May 2014

    ESPON has developed, in cooperation with EIB and EUROSTAT, an innovative and user‑friendly tool for a first benchmarking of European cities.

  • Latest News | 12 May 2014

    This guide for practitioners, policy and decision makers, highlights key elements for improving territorial governance in Europe.

  • Latest News | 9 May 2014

    The European Commission together with the Committee of the Regions and the Regional Studies Association invite postgraduates and early career researchers to apply for the Master Class. Deadline is 16 May 2014.

  • Latest News | 29 April 2014

    Final Report of LP3LP - Landscape Policy for the 3 Countries Park

  • Latest News | 28 April 2014

    Draft Final Report of ENECON - ESPON Evidence in a North European Context

  • Latest News | 23 April 2014

    Find out how policy making at macro-regional or transnational level can benefit from territorial evidence provided by ESPON.

  • Latest News | 16 April 2014

    Draft Final Report of NSS - NORTH SEA STAR, North Sea - Spreading Transnational Results

  • Latest News | 15 April 2014

    Two Calls for Tenders are open: “ESPON Tools (2014) - Expanding the Online MapFinder” and ESPON Tools (2011-2014) – Feasibility Study on ESPON on the Web". Deadline for requesting the documentation is 20 May 2014.

  • Latest News | 14 April 2014

    The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for two trainees for a period of 5 months to join our international team, preferably starting by beginning of September 2014. Deadline for submitting an application is 11 May 2014.
