900 articles found [431 - 440]
  • Latest News | 30 April 2015

    The Managing Authority of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme invites to the Launch Seminar of ESPON 2020. The event takes place on 3-4 June 2015 in Jūrmala – Latvia, the country of the current EU Presidency.

  • Latest News | 22 April 2015

    Final Report of TRACC - TRansport ACCessibility at regional/local scale and patterns in Europe

  • Latest News | 2 April 2015

    Final Report of GREECO - Territorial Potentials for a Greener Economy

  • Latest News | 30 March 2015

    Final Report of ECR2 - Economic Crisis: Resilience of Regions

  • Latest News | 17 March 2015

    Final Report of ET2050 - Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe

  • Latest News | 12 March 2015

    User-friendly application for producing and displaying innovative indicators related to the effects of transportation networks on accessibility and the territorial development

  • Latest News | 5 March 2015

    Territorial Impact Assessment Tool can be used to support regional policy makers and practitioners with identifying, ex-ante, potential territorial impacts of new EU Legislations, Policies and Directives.

  • Latest News | 2 March 2015

    Online Mapping Tool provides the possibility to build maps and diagrams using various regional levels. With the tool you can combine indicators, adjust maps, make time animations and print, export, share the maps.

  • Latest News | 2 March 2015

    Citybench-Urban Benchmarking is a innovative and user-friendly tool for a first benchmarking of European cities, aimed at giving a first indication on suitable locations for urban investments based on various themes such as demography, economy, quality of life or investment climate.

  • Latest News | 2 March 2015

    The Baltic Sea Region Territorial Monitoring System (BSR-TeMo) is an interactive system granting access to a set of territorial indicators highlighting the performance of regions within the Baltic Sea Region.
