900 articles found [861 - 870]
  • Latest News | 8 October 2009

    ESPON hold a Workshop at the European Week of Cities and Regions in Brussels, the leading event in the regional policy calendar.

  • Latest News | 5 October 2009

    The report presents a more detailed overview of the analytical approach to be applied by the project. The first results confirm the initial idea that the political relevance of “geographic specificity” does not in general stem from “laggardness” or from a low degree of economic performance.

  • Latest News | 5 October 2009

    Find out more about the targeted analysis project CAEE - The Case for Agglomeration Economies in Europe. This study is looking at the process of agglomeration within city regions across Europe. Read the Inception Report here

  • Latest News | 17 September 2009

    In order to support the launch of the Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interests, the ESPON 2013 Programme invited for an Information Day on 16 September 2009 in Brussels. More than 230 participants attended the event.

  • Latest News | 29 July 2009

    Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interests will be launched on 16 September 2009. The available budget is 14.910.000 Euro covering up to 31 new ESPON projects. Participation of private partners is now possible. The deadline for applying is 11 November 2009. Get involved and participate!

  • Latest News | 29 July 2009

    In order to support the launch of the next Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interests, the ESPON 2013 Programme is inviting for an Information Day on 16 September 2009 in Brussels. A Partner Café is included in the event. The registration is now closed.

  • Press Releases | 16 July 2009

    16/07/2009 - The ESPON 2013 DATABASE is a central project in the ESPON Programme. At the same time it is a tool providing input for analyses based on territorial indicators. The project’s first Interim Report gives an overview of the current state of development and the prospects for this knowledge base related to the EU Cohesion Policy.

  • Latest News | 3 July 2009

    Find out more about DEMIFER (Demographic and Migratory Flows Affecting European Regions and Cities), EDORA (European Development Opportunities in Rural Areas), FOCI (Future Orientation for Cities) and ESPON DATABASE 2013. Their Interim Reports are now available.

  • Press Releases | 29 June 2009

    In cooperation with the Czech EU Presidency, the ESPON Programme organised an Open Seminar in Prague on 3 – 4 June 2009 addressing Territorial Development Opportunities during the Global Economic Recession for regions, cities and larger territories.

  • Latest News | 24 June 2009

    Find out more about ESPON CLIMATE - Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies in Europe. 13 partners are analysing how and to which degree climate change will impact on the competitiveness and cohesion of European regions and Europe as a whole.