900 articles found [161 - 170]
  • ESPON Blog | 16 March 2020

    In today’s interconnected and constantly changing world, things happening in one place have an impact on other places, influencing developments and territories.

  • Latest News | 12 March 2020

    Differences in population density in the Baltic Sea Region show a clear north-south pattern with the sparsely populated north and the densely populated south. There is also still an east-west divide in terms of economic performance, although the divide has been closing. The BSR has developed from a divided region into a prosperous region with a dense network of cooperation arrangements.

  • Press Releases | 11 March 2020

    Results from a new ESPON study and three scenarios for the future of BSR - to support VASAB members to design and implement evidence-based policies for the future of the Baltic Sea Region

  • ESPON Blog | 6 March 2020

    Innovation is one frequently occurring theme targeted by European Territorial Cooperation programmes, including cross-border cooperation (CBC) programmes. The ESPON project CBC TIA that focused on five INTERREG A programmes found very few similarities between the strength of impact on same or similar thematic fields in each programme. But three case studies confirmed an interesting observation regarding their impact on cross-border innovation.

  • Seminars | 5 March 2020 | Event starts: 5 March 2020

    NOTICE: Due to the virus COVID-19 situation and the measures taken by all EU member states this event is cancelled.

  • ESPON Blog | 4 March 2020

    The ESPON CBC TIA project has applied a newly developed ex-post TIA methodology tailored to CBC programmes to five CBC programmes within

  • Latest News | 27 February 2020

    Collecting, processing, validating and publishing statistical data are delicate processes, which require sound guidelines and structures in order to produce reliable, comparable and valid data.

  • ESPON Blog | 21 February 2020

    Results from the ESPON Project Big Data reveal how we can use mobile positioning data as a viable data source for studying mobility-related aspects with large potentials for generating insights for growth corridors. The case study of Estonia.

  • Latest News | 20 February 2020

    A case study of the ESPON project BIG DATA on transport and mobility partnership networks in the EU based on data acquired from the KEEP database. This data contains about 2,353 projects and 18,318 partners around Europe for the programming period 2014-2020

  • ESPON Blog | 19 February 2020

    The utilisation of spatial data that adequately captures the functionalities of corridors has been rather weak especially in the cross-border areas’ planning processes. However, many policy dimensions related to corridor development could benefit from big data. 
