LP3LP Project Final Symposium

Maastricht, 14 May 2014

13h30 - 17h30


13.30 Arrival of participants and coffee

14:00 Welcome to the cross-border challenges of the Three Countries Park
Patrick van den Broeck, Deputy Province of Limburg NL (Lead Stakeholder LP3LP)

14.10 “European landscapes within smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”
Peter Mehlbye, ESPON Coordination Unit

14:25 “Landscape policy for the Three Countries Park”
Introduction to the LP3LP project
Prof. Frank Lohrberg, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Project leader TPG)

14.40 “The Three Countries Park and similar European regions using landscape policy across borders”
Alain Coppens, IGEAT Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (partner TPG)

14:55 “Unity and diversity: 13 guiding principles for cross-border landscape protection, landscape management and landscape planning in the Three Countries Park”
Annet Kempenaar, Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands (partner TPG)

15:20 Coffee Break

15:40 “Outlook on common policy actions: Green-blue Infrastructure as a next step?”
Anja Brüll and Matti Wirth, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

16:00 Reactions from the audience and Discussion résumé
Prof. Frank Lohrberg RWTH Aachen University,(Project Leader TPG)

16:40 “A bright future for the cross-border challenges in the Three Countries Park”
Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Regierungspräsident of the German-speaking Community in Belgium and President of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine

16.55 Official presentation of the regional publication LP3LP in four languages

17.00 Drinks and Gallery walk
Maps elaborated during the LP3LP project will be shown in the corridors

ESPON LP3LP - Landscape Policy for the 3 Countries Park

Important elements of the ESPON project LP3LP are:

  • to define the European identity of 3LP;
  • to design a cross-border landscape perspective for the future developments of the 3LP and
  • to formulate an interface between the landscape perspective and EU policy.


Please register before 24 April 2014 by using this link:



Provincie Limburg

Limburglaan 10

6229 GA Maaastricht -The Netherlands

The Statenzaal in the southernmost part of the Provincial Government buildings on the island.You can reach the Statenzaal by walking around the main building over the bridge crossing the Papenwater (entrance 2). Before heading to the Statenzaal, you may have a look at the exhibition “Mapping the Charlemagne Region” in the Entrance Hall, by entering the main entrance 1 straight from the main parking area (P).
