ATTREG International Workshop

Brussels, 10 October 2012

After presenting the key results of the ATTREG project and their policy implications, the event will host keynote speech by a leading international researcher who will contribute with his experience. Several key questions will be addressed by the research team, such as:

  • How have attraction factors been distributed in the ESPON space between different types of regions and geopolitical contexts? 
  • What is the role of policy, and how did very different places design their attraction policies around their perceived strengths?
  • And could there be a European policy approach to mobility that fosters different place strategies so that the resulting distribution of population, talent, and economic opportunities is a desirable one from the point of view of regional cohesion?

A panel including European and Regional stakeholders will engage in a round table discussion aiming at analysing the relevance of ATTREG results for their respective policy domains.

For further information: see the agenda below and contact [email protected]