Online Workshop: Territorial impacts of natural hazards
ESPON WEEK Green and Just Recovery for all European Territories


16 June 2021

ESPON-TITAN project has been practically completed and a set of policy recommendations on how to mainstream Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) strategies into spatial planning have been generated. They are based on research findings regarding the territorial distribution of some selected natural hazards like (river) floods, windstorms, drought and earthquakes, their economic impacts and territorial vulnerability assessment.

A comprehensive analysis of existing DRM/CCA measures in European countries, contrasted with 8 regional case studies have contributed to shaping the recommendations as well.

The workshop will present the main research findings and debate on challenges for applying the recommendations.

Date and time: 16 June 2021, 14.30 (CET)

Duration: 90’

Click here to join the meeting

More information: Zintis Hermansons


Moderator: Efren Feliu, TECNALIA (ES)

Zintis Hermansons, ESPON EGTC, Introduction

Carolina Cantergiani, TECNALIA (ES), ESPON TITAN findings/policy recommendations

Tiberiu-Eugen Antofie, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, European perspective

Blanka Bartol, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, Transnational perspective (Alpine case study),

Francisco Solano Cobos, Agency of Environment and Water of Andalusia, Regional perspective (Andalusia case study)


Welcome & setting the scene (Zintis Hermansons) 

Brief introduction to the workshop (Efren Feliu)


ESPON TITAN findings/policy recommendations (Carolina Cantergiani)


Reaction and needs: European perspective (Tiberiu-Eugen Antofie)


Reaction and needs: Transnational perspective (Blanka Bartol)


Reaction and needs: Regional/local perspective (Francisco Solano Cobos)


Open discussion, debate (Efren Feliu)


ESPON TITAN Andalusia case study.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 1.63MB

ESPON TITAN results and policy recommendations.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 2.79MB

JRC Risk Data Hub.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 2.80MB

Transnational view Alpine area.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 1.34MB