900 articles found [791 - 800]
  • Latest News | 20 July 2010

    Two ESPON workshops will take place at the Open Days in Brussels. The first one is related to Priority 1/Applied Research, the second one is dedicated to Priority 2/Targeted Analyses. Registration is open.

  • Latest News | 20 July 2010

    Claude Wiseler, Minister of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures of Luxembourg, visited the ESPON Coordination Unit to get information on the latest development of the ESPON 2013 Programme.

  • Press Releases | 19 July 2010

    Today 19 July 2010, Claude Wiseler, Minister of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures of Luxembourg, visited the ESPON Coordination Unit to get information on the latest development of the ESPON 2013 Programme.

  • Latest News | 14 July 2010

    According the Draft Final Report of DEMIFER, decisions on competitive-oriented policy or a cohesion-oriented policy may influence demographic developments in Europe. Read the Draft Final Report as well as all background documents.

  • Latest News | 14 July 2010

    The Database provides fundamental regional information (NUTS 3, NUTS 2, NUTS 1 and NUTS 0) provided by ESPON projects and EUROSTAT. The data and indicators included in the ESPON 2013 Database cover the entire European Union plus Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (ESPON space).

  • Latest News | 8 July 2010

    ESPON invites for an Information Day on New Calls on 8 September 2010 in Brussels. Reserve your place! Registration is now open.

  • Latest News | 7 July 2010

    The Calls for Proposals closed on 28 June 2010 and generated 25 project proposals involving 30 European countries and 144 partners. All the project themes in the Calls received proposals. Evaluation of the project proposals will run during July 2010. Facts & Figures here

  • Latest News | 7 July 2010

    The Final Report formulates a characterization of the so-called TeDi regions and indicates the relevance of the geographic specificities for economic growth and social sustainability. The Handbook deals with the social and economic development of areas characterised by geographic specificities, i.e. islands, mountain ranges and sparsely populated areas. More

  • Latest News | 7 July 2010

    The primary purpose of the project has been to examine the relationship between agglomeration economies and city-regional/metropolitan governance. The draft final report sets out the emerging project findings. More

  • Latest News | 29 June 2010

    Find out the latest developments of the ESPON Programme. The latest edition of the Newsletter is now online.
