900 articles found [671 - 680]
  • Latest News | 25 May 2012

    Calls for Proposals for Targeted Analysis, Scientific Platform/Tools Projects and Transnational Networking Activities are open. The available budget amounts to 1.988.000,00 €. The deadline for submitting proposals is 13 June 2012. Apply here to become involved in new ESPON projects.

  • Latest News | 25 May 2012

    “Climate Change and Risk Management: Results of European research activities from the Austrian point of view” The Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning, Austrian ESPON Contact Point, invites to an open seminar taking place on 4th of June in Vienna, Austria.

  • Latest News | 15 May 2012

    Metropolitan Development in Central Europe Vienna, 1 June 2012. The future opportunities and specific potentials of a Central European metropolitan network will be discussed at the event based on the results of the ESPON project POLYCE. Deadline for registration: 25 May 2012.

  • Latest News | 15 May 2012

    Territorial Performance Monitoring Brussels, 29 June 2012. The stakeholder regions lead by Flanders and the scientific team lead by the IGEAT-ULB are pleased to invite to the final workshop of the ESPON Project TPM - Territorial Performance Monitoring. Deadline for registration: 20 June 2012. More

  • Latest News | 8 May 2012

    “European Territorial Evidence for EU Cohesion Policy and Programming” Meet with us on 13 and 14 of June 2012 in Aalborg - Denmark and discuss the support that the territorial evidence delivered by ESPON can provide to the future programming period 2014-2020. Registration is open till 18 May 2012 at 15h00.

  • Latest News | 8 May 2012

    Calls for Proposals for Targeted Analysis, Scientific Platform/Tools Projects and Transnational Networking Activities are open. The available budget amounts to 1.988.000,00 €. The deadline for submitting proposals is 13 June 2012. Apply here to become involved in new ESPON projects.

  • Latest News | 8 May 2012

    Bern, 3 May 2012. More than 40 people attended the event which was organised in cooperation with the ESPON Monitoring Committee member Federal office for Spatial Development, ARE. More

  • Latest News | 25 April 2012

    Bratislava, 21 - 25 August 2012  At the ERSA Congress “Regions in Motion - Breaking the Path”, the ESPON Projects ATTREG, KIT and TERCO organize special sessions to contribute to a better understanding of the current economic and social situation of the EU territory. More

  • Press Releases | 24 April 2012

    Why does Europe need ESPON? How to use ESPON? What is the importance of climate change, innovation and knowledge economy, accessibility, metropolitan areas for the successful development of territories, regions and cities?

  • Latest News | 20 April 2012

    Scientific and policymaking community representatives are invited to attend the ESPON Workshop “Territorial Impact Assessment” which aims at offering further insight on the usefulness of TIA in their day-to-day work and networks. The event will take place on 6 June 2012 at the European Commission, DG REGIO in Brussels. Register now
