900 articles found [781 - 790]
  • Latest News | 29 October 2010

    The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for two trainees for a period of 5 months to join our international team.

  • Latest News | 15 October 2010

    A Call for Expression of Interest for the Knowledge Support System (KSS) will open on 23 November 2010. The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is 21 January 2011. The pre-announcement is published in the Official Journal of the EU (C 278, 15/10/2010).

  • Latest News | 1 October 2010

    ESPON has recently published the third edition of "Territorial Observations”. This latest publication is looking into Trends in Economic Performance of European Regions. The publication, including maps and datasets, is now available.

  • Latest News | 1 October 2010

    The Monitoring Committee at its meeting on 30 September 2010 has decided to open a new Call for Expression of Interest for becoming part of the pool of experts in the ESPON Knowledge Support System. The formal pre-announcement will be published at the Official Journal of the EU as well as at the ESPON Website in 2-3 weeks.

  • Latest News | 17 September 2010

    Five Applied Research projects, one Targeted Analysis and one Transnational Networking Activity are online now. Find out more about their themes, thematic scope, research areas and project teams.

  • Press Releases | 13 September 2010

    Researchers and experts in the public and private sector from 31 European countries are invited to become involved in 3 new projects ...

  • Latest News | 9 September 2010

    ESPON invited for an Info Day on New Calls on 8 September 2010 in Brussels. More than 100 participants attended the event. The presentations given during the day are available online.

  • Latest News | 24 August 2010

    Calls for Proposals are open. The available budget is 1.950.000 Euro covering two Targeted Analyses and the ESPON Database - Phase II. The deadline for applying is 19 October 2010. Scientists and experts from universities, research institutes and companies are invited to become involved in new ESPON projects.

  • Press Releases | 2 August 2010

    The ESPON Programme will launch new Calls for Proposals on 24 August 2010. Scientists and Experts from universities, research institutes and companies are invited ...

  • Latest News | 27 July 2010

    ESPON has published the updated overview of the beneficiaries. The overview includes so far the 17 contracted projects out of the 27 already approved by the Monitoring Committee.
