900 articles found [561 - 570]
  • Latest News | 4 July 2013

    ESPON has published the seventh volume of Territorial Observations which aims at identifying territorially differentiated policy options to tackle climate change and natural hazard related risks.

  • Latest News | 3 July 2013

    Interim Report of GROSEE - Growth Poles in South-East Europe

  • Latest News | 1 July 2013

    At the ESPON Open Seminar “Territorial Cooperation for growth and jobs” experts and policy makers shared a series of conclusions related with the economic crisis.

  • Press Releases | 1 July 2013

    The ESPON Programme, in collaboration with the Irish Presidency of the European Union, held its annual Open Seminar on the 13th and 14th of June in the Dublin Castle. ...

  • Latest News | 27 June 2013

    ESPON provides a number of tools with valuable information and data for countries, regions, cities and citizens. New videos present in an engaging way the Database, Hyper Atlas, Data Navigator, Online Map Finder, Typologies and Territorial Impact Assessment.

  • Latest News | 26 June 2013

    Dublin 13-14 June - The ESPON Seminar addressed the contribution of Territorial Cooperation towards recovery from the economic crisis as well as the development of Operational Programmes 2014-2020. Speakers included Jan O’Sullivan (Irish Minister of State), representatives of Dublin City Council, ESPON Monitoring Committee and Managing Authority. Presentations are online

  • Latest News | 24 June 2013

    Final Report of AMCER- Advanced Monitoring and Coordination of EU R&D Policies at Regional Level

  • Latest News | 19 June 2013

    Final report of ADES - Airports as Drivers of Economic Success in Peripheral Regions

  • Latest News | 18 June 2013

    Second Interim Report of ET2050 - Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe

  • Latest News | 7 June 2013

    Draft final report of SMART-IST, Smart Institutions for Territorial Development
