900 articles found [141 - 150]
  • ESPON Blog | 8 May 2020

    The city of Athens’ Reception and Solidarity Center shared with ESPON its initiatives to protect the homeless, the city’s most vulnerable group during the pandemic of COVID19.

  • ESPON Blog | 5 May 2020

    Another interesting case study from ESPON Project URRUC comes from Valle Arroscia, a territory that is located on the Alpi Marittime mountains, in the Northern part of the Province of Imperia. Read about urban-rural linkages and challenges in the area and the recommendations of the project to overcome them. 

  • ESPON Blog | 4 May 2020

    Mountain and coastal areas, islands and sparsely populated areas face several challenges related to their development. According to ESPON project BRIDGES, these challenges are similar and interlinked for all the areas the Territories with Geographical Specificities (TGS) and have concrete implications to all the five Policy Objectives of Cohesion Policy

  • ESPON Blog | 30 April 2020

    Urban-rural linkages contribute to integrating rural and urban areas into a more functional territory. These linkages aim at improving access to public services within functional areas, as well as increasing the residential and economic attractiveness of the rural areas, among others. In this article an interesting case study of Scarborough Borough, in the UK, provided by the ESPON project, URRUC

  • ESPON Blog | 28 April 2020

    Until 1990 only a few CPS were established. Since the beginning of the 21st century, CPS establishment has accelerated.

  • ESPON Blog | 27 April 2020

    National local authorities in France took measures and initiatives to support their citizens during the COVID-19 crisis. These measures focused wither on supporting fragile population, pupils, care-workers or the local economy. Journalist Caroline Garcia summarises them in this article written for ESPON. 

  • Latest News | 24 April 2020

    A new ESPON project, "Interregional relations in Europe" (IRiE) launched yesterday. The general objective of the project is to analyze inter-regional flows, design actions that reduce barriers and include information on flows within the regional Smart Specialization Strategies. Different types of emergency scenarios, such as the COVID-19 pandemic will be analyzed.

  • ESPON Blog | 21 April 2020

    The municipality of Sintra (PT) shared with ESPON their actions and initiatives in order to support citizens and local businesses during the crisis. 

  • Latest News | 16 April 2020

    Financial instruments will continue to play a prominent role in EU policy post-2020 under both EU Cohesion policy and the proposed

  • ESPON Blog | 15 April 2020

    Many border areas are characterised as peripheral regions in their domestic context, which is challenging affordable public service provision.
