900 articles found [611 - 620]
  • Latest News | 1 February 2013

    GEOSPECS - Geographic Specificities and Development Potentials in Europe - Final Report

  • Latest News | 28 January 2013

    ENECON - ESPON Evidence in a North European Context - calls for abstracts for the international conference "Climate Change in Northern Territories“, Iceland on 22 - 23 August 2013. Further information: www.rha.is/enecon

  • Latest News | 28 January 2013

    SIESTA - Spatial indicators for a Europe 2020 Strategy Territorial Analysis - Draft Final Report

  • Latest News | 28 January 2013

    TPM - Territorial Performance Monitoring - Final Report

  • Latest News | 28 January 2013

    ADES - Airports as Drivers of Economic Success in Peripheral Regions - Draft Final Report

  • Latest News | 17 January 2013

    Over 2013 ESPON will release new territorial evidence, indicators and maps in support of policy-making at European, national and local level. Member and Partner States from 31 countries emphasized the necessity to foster capitalisation and communication of results in 2013.

  • Latest News | 14 January 2013

    AMCER supports regions in managing R&D policy.

  • Latest News | 14 January 2013

    Key policy messages for European Territorial Co-operation.

  • Latest News | 11 January 2013

    The objective of the applied research project ECR2 is to analyse the economic crisis and recovery that are at the core of all recent policy initiatives.

  • Latest News | 9 January 2013

    The RISE project investigates regional integrated strategies and focuses on Randstad, Zealand, Västerbotten and West Midlands. The report includes useful handbook and toolkit.
