900 articles found [811 - 820]
  • Latest News | 17 May 2010

    The Interim Report of "ESPON Climate - Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies in Europe” presents a more detailed overview of the analytical approach to be applied by the project.

  • Latest News | 7 May 2010

    On 3 May 2010, Commissioner Johannes Hahn paid a visit to the Coordination Unit in Luxembourg. The Commissioner was thoroughly informed about the ESPON 2013 Programme, its mission and the many activities currently under implementation.

  • Latest News | 6 May 2010

    ESPON in close cooperation with the University Paris 7 - UMS RIATE, as Lead Partner of the ESPON 2013 Database Project, invited for a Workshop aimed at discussing the management of time series and the estimation of missing values. Around 30 experts from all over Europe attended the workshop. The presentations given during the workshop are available

  • Latest News | 3 May 2010

    Calls for Proposals are open. The available budget is 5.900.000 Euro covering 2 Applied Research Projects, 8 Targeted Analyses as well as Transnational Networking Activities by the ESPON Contact Point network.The deadline for applying is 28 June 2010. Get involved and participate!

  • Latest News | 3 May 2010

    The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for two trainees for a period of 5 months to join our international team.

  • Latest News | 28 April 2010

    Find out more about METROBORDER (Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions) and TEDI (Territorial Diversity in Europe). New Reports are now available.

  • Press Releases | 27 April 2010

    The ESPON Programme has pre-announced the launch of the new Calls for Proposals. Scientists, experts, representatives of universities, research institutes and companies from 31 European countries are invited to become involved new ...

  • Press Releases | 31 March 2010

    The contribution of European territories, regions and cities to the Europe 2020 Strategy is the focus of the Open Seminar “ESPON Evidence for Regional Policy-Making” on 9 - 10 June 2010 in Madrid. In cooperation with ....

  • Latest News | 25 March 2010

    Discuss with us Europe 2020 and the use of ESPON results in policy-making supporting competitiveness and cohesion of territories on 9 and 10 June 2010 in Madrid, Spain. Registration is now open.

  • Latest News | 18 March 2010

    In order to support the launch of the next Calls for Proposals, the ESPON 2013 Programme is inviting for an Information Day on 18 May 2010 in Brussels. A Partner Café is included in the event. Participation is free of charge. Reserve your place by registering online.
