900 articles found [151 - 160]
  • ESPON Blog | 14 April 2020

    Border towns and twin cities provide a unique environment for cross-border public service provision (CPS). Due to close vicinity border towns function in many ways as a single functional area, for example as a single labour market or service area for leisure. Different examples identified by the ESPON project Cross-border Public Services illustrate the variety of policy fields for which CPS could be provided in these specific territories.

  • ESPON Blog | 10 April 2020

    In the eye of the current crisis, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic it became evident that cross border cooperation is important not only for the border areas but to ensure an efficient reaction to new territorial challenges. National and European level authorities should pave the way for CPS and according to the findings of the ESPON project Cross border Public Services (CPS) Interreg is among the most important access points for EU level support to CPS development.

  • ESPON Blog | 10 April 2020

    Financial instruments (FIs) represent a small but increasing and high-profile proportion of programme resources under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). Uptake of FIs under ESIF programmes has roughly doubled since the 2007-13 programming period. According to the ESPON project, Financial Instruments and Territorial Cohesion findings increasing emphasis on financial instruments under the Structural Funds has a number of implications for territorial cohesion

  • ESPON Blog | 3 April 2020

    People in regions with high levels of income but a negative outlook are probably more pessimistic than people in regions with lower levels of income but positive future perspectives due to better performance. The ESPON project ETRF provided a map that compares the value of each region to its respective national average. Thresholds have been set for both dimensions resulting in three classes for each dimension (below, around, above national average) and consequently in nine groups

  • ESPON Blog | 2 April 2020

    The Alpine region has a long-standing experience in territorial cooperation that goes back at least to the 1970s.  This cooperation is implemented through different EU and national instruments and cross-border programmes for various issues of regional policy and spatial development. The ESPON project Alps 2050 provided an interesting analysis for the common future development of the area with a projection towards 2050.

  • Latest News | 23 March 2020

    https://www.poctefa.euThe COVID19 pandemic will have both sanitary and territorial impacts but regions and cities won’t be hit with the same intensity. ESPON is interested in pooling local experiences and territorial policy responses. And supports actively other European Research Associations to collect scientific evidence on the impact of CORVID19.

  • ESPON Blog | 23 March 2020

    A flagship ESPON project, the European Territorial Reference Framework (ETRF) had identified almost a year ago the main trends affecting the European territories. It is interesting to see that many of the new uncertainties the pandemic crisis of COVID19 creates today can be still understood and categorized -if adjusted accordingly- under these trends. This creates already a strong basis for the decision-makers that will need to deal with the effects of this crisis in designing their new development policies. 

  • ESPON Blog | 20 March 2020

    What is the hypothetical “patient journey” for a citizen diagnosed with diabetes in Estonia, Finland and Slovenia and how can they use eHealth services in their countries? ESPON project eHealth has some interesting findings

  • ESPON Blog | 19 March 2020

    Estonia launched its health information system in 2008, becoming the first country in the world to fully implement such a system nationwide. Finland began the development of its national EHR as early as 2002, with the launch in 2007. Today these countries boast some of the highest eHealth adoption statistics in Europe.

  • ESPON Blog | 17 March 2020

    Over the past decade, the introduction of eHealth solutions has not resulted in a decrease in healthcare expenditure for the governments, providers or patients.
