ESPON Week: Just Transition and Recovery for Cities and Regions in Europe

ESPON EGTC and the German Presidency of the EU Council invite you to the:

ESPON Week: Just Transition and Recovery for Cities and Regions in Europe

Two days full of high-quality, interactive debates on the hottest topics in the EU agenda. Live on our page and social media.

18 November, NEW TIME-13.30-14.30

ESPONtalk “Is energy decarbonization compatible with just economic transition for regions and cities?”

A live interactive debate on social media with the famous economist Jeffrey Sachs, from the University of Columbia and Markus Kerber, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community of Germany.

19 November, 10.30-11.30 

ESPONWeek debate: Can Just Transition bring recovery for regions and cities?”

A live round table with:

  • Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira,

  • President of the Committee of the Regions, Apostolos Tzitzikostas,

  • MEP, ex-president of the EU parliament, Jerzy Buzek

  • Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community of Germany, Volkmar Vogel

  • Moderator: Wiktor Szydarowski, ESPON EGTC director


The week starts with the new issue of TeritoriALL. Our ESPON magazine, hosts video messages from the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli and Professor Jeffrey Sachs. And articles from the EU Parliament rapporteur of Just Transition Fund, Manolis Kefalogiannis and Pavel Branda Deputy Mayor of Rádlo, CoR rapporteur on cross-border public services. 

At the same time, ESPON researchers and members of our monitoring committee present evidence and insights from our latest projects. The thematic dossier of the magazine will be on the territorial impact of COVID-19. We will also present our newly published Policy Briefs on coal phase-out regions and Maritime Spatial Planning and Land-Sea Interactions. 

The magazine will be available on our website on the morning of 18 November.

Please note: No registration is needed to attend the open events or read and download the magazine. But you can subscribe for updates and receive the link for the events.

You can also come back again to this page soon for more details



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