ESPON SDG benchmarking tool online workshop


Online, registration link below

8 December 2020

This online workshop will introduce the ESPON SDG tool web application to public sector policymakers and stakeholders dealing with sustainable development. This particular application has been developed to allow national and regional governments to assess their progress towards the SDGs and to benchmark how far they are from reaching their targets. It also enables them to compare their profiles with other regions and to find regions in Europe that can serve as suitable examples for achieving progress towards the SDGs. The ESPON SDG tool will be launched online in January 2021 and now is accessible for end-user testing.

The objective of the workshop is to provide interactive testing of the ESPON SDG tool involving the developers of the application, national, regional and local level policymakers, sustainable development experts and stakeholders from non-governmental institutions. We use the context of Lithuania and the case of Lithuanian National Climate Change Strategy in order to provide practical example to the tool.

The ultimate goal of the workshop is to introduce a useful tool for territorial estimation of SDG goals to policymakers and to provide an optimal spatial scope for the policy intervention capacity targeting SDGs.

Presentations from the event


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Pre-event brief - ESPON SDG benchmarking tool online workshop.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 463KB

1 - Presentation Marjan van Herwijnen.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 347KB

2 - Presentation Jurgita Lukaševičienė.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 897KB

3 - Presentation Jurga Valainytė.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 1.13MB

4 - Presentation Paresa Markianidou.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 270KB

Topic paper - Sustainable development and climate change resilience.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 1.76MB