Bassa Romagna - SUPER

Each case study within the SUPER project looks into the impact of a particular intervention on urbanisation and land-use and how the public sector can guide these changes. The Union of Bassa Romagna consists of nine municipalities that share common territorial and economic challenges. It is an area characterised by intense development pressures and rampant urbanisation. This case study investigates the Union’s Municipal Structural Plan (2009), a strategic instrument aiming at improving spatial planning by promoting future-oriented, integrated, sustainable and effective spatial planning activities.


Identity :

Case study: Bassa Romaga

Country: Italy (IT)

Project : Sustainable Urbanisation and Land Use Practices in European Regions (SUPER)

Delivery: 11/2020

Population: 791.413

Classification: ES523



ESPON SUPER Final Report Annex 3.8_IT_final-3.pdf

  • Acrobat Document | 3.03MB