Greater Manchester | Doing ageing differently

Greater Manchester is working across public services, community groups and researchers to get information to those on the wrong side of digital divide.  GM is giving a platform to older people who are both worried – about the impact of Covid – and frustrated by the portrayal of older people as frail, vulnerable and sometimes, disposable. Here it seems is where the research conducted under the ACPA project can be looked at anew.

The cities of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Gothenburg, Hengelo, Greater Manchester, Nantes, Oslo and Zaragoza belong to a group of cities that are either already facing relatively high percentages of older people in their populations, or expect such high percentages in the near future. During the last years, these cities have undertaken action to improve quality of life for older people. Still, they have a knowledge need related to the following questions:

  • How do older people experience the daily life in the cities?
  • What do older people view as benefits and constraints associated with urban living?
  • How are the eight stakeholder cities responding to population ageing?
  • Which policies have been the most effective in developing age-friendly cities and how have they been implemented and which are the success factors?

ESPON ACPA has responded to these needs and resulted in good practices and policy recommendations based on case study research in the eight stakeholder cities. These insights have been combined in the ACPA synthesis report, main report and policy handbook.

The present report focuses on Greater Manchester and portrays the state of affairs in the city in terms of:

  • Demographic trends and developments related to population ageing within the city;
  • The strategy and policies that the urban authorities, professionals and other stakeholders in Greater Manchester pursue to cope with population ageing;
  • A selection of inspiring examples of how the ageing policy has been implemented;
  • Challenges and opportunities from the perspective of older people, interest groups and policy makers;
  • Policy recommendations for Greater Manchester based on the insights that have emerged from ACPA.

Further information

This Case Study is part of the ESPON Targeted Analysis ACPA.

Contact our expert Piera Petruzzi
