Project Overview

coverUnder the ESPON 2013 Programme new projects are contracted by the Managing Authority following a competitive process. The projects are carried out by Transnational Project Groups (TPG). Potential project partners are supported in creating a TPG by the ESPON Partner Café.

The projects cover a wide range of research areas in order to support policy development related to territorial development and cohesion. The focus is on territorial structures, trends, perspectives and impacts of sector policies.
Applied Research Projects create European wide, comparable information and evidence on territorial potentials and challenges focusing on opportunities for success for the development of regions and cities. The projects comprise thematically defined research, cross-thematic applied research and impact studies of EU policies.

Targeted Analyses take up a clear request for user and demand driven actions within the ESPON 2013 Programme. By convening an analytical process in which ESPON findings are integrated with more detailed information and practical know-how, new understanding of future development opportunities and challenges may arise.

The Scientific Platform represents a core element in the knowledge base being created by ESPON. It includes data, indicators and analytical tools that can be used in considerations on territorial policies.
The Transnational Networking Activities undertaken by the European Network of ESPON Contact Points (ECPs) provide targeted transnational capitalisation, awareness rising and dissemination of ESPON results with the specific objective of involving policy makers, practitioners, scientists and young academics and promote the European perspective of territorial development, competitiveness and cohesion.
You can find below the Final version of the Project Overview which presents the ESPON 2013 projects by December 2012.  



Project Overview

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